8 Tips On How To Build A User-friendly eCommerce Website

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8 Tips On How To Build A User-friendly eCommerce Website

eCommerce Website Development


eCommerce, a big-time word which we hear every day. Whether, big or a small enterprise, eCommerce website development is an unsaid must for your business if you are into trading.

With the digitalization and covid19 pandemic, customers now prefer to shop online more than they do for offline. Thus, it is the mandatory stand for business now to consider going online and be available there where their customers prefer to go.


As a business owner are you considering building an eCommerce Website, you want some numbers to justify your investment?

Well, here we are with some statistics. A report from statista shows a steady 8 to 10% rise in global ecommerce sales yearly.



Retail platforms have undergone a six percent global traffic increase between January and March 2020. Overall, retail websites generated 14.34 billion visits in March 2020, up from 12.81 billion global visits in January 2020.


This is of course due to the global coronavirus pandemic which has forced millions of people to stay at home in order to stop the spread of the virus. Due to many shelter at home orders and a desire to avoid crowded stores in places where it is possible to shop, consumers have turned to the internet to procure everyday items such as groceries or toilet paper.


You have got the statistics now; however, We would like to share some tips before you start building your online store or eCommerce Website Development with some of the top eCommerce development services.


1. Look at what your competitors are doing


If you want to go a ski trip which you have never gone on before, it can be profitable to look at what others who have gone there did. The type of gear they bought, the training the underwent and so on.

Understand thoroughly and pin down the differences between the type of store you want to build online vs theirs. Yes its okay to look at what they are doing so that you have a clue but be sure to not copy exactly. We do not want to have two people looking exactly the same on the ski field.

So write down the web pages you will like to have in your store taking in effect that your eCommerce website is the online store of your business. Take note of the color theme you will be using, mostly it will have to look like your logo anyway. 





Getting the functioning and dynamic eCommerce website solutions are not enough to run the eCommerce store effectively.

You need to have some perfect and robust partners by your side.

First of all, you need to partner with an eCommerce development company who is proficient in providing eCommerce website development services as per the business requirements and niche.

A best eCommerce website design company can help you get the best eCommerce store developed and designed for your business because they understand what having and being the best means.

Browse through the top eCommerce development companies and then hire eCommerce Development services suitable to your business requirements.



Secondly, for an eCommerce store, it is highly necessary to have a logistics and delivery partner who is reliable and active.

You need to maintain specific promises with your customers. A customer while placing an order online, checks how soon they can get the delivery in their hands.

You need to mention on your store the specific number of days or hours it may take to reach the customer.

Making the promises to customers means you need to stand by your words. Thus, you need to have a promising delivery agent by your side, who takes care of your deliveries to the customers in time and with perfection.




eCommerce is sheerly focusing on customer requirements.

Smart business owners know what their customers want and accommodate their services according to the customer requirements and likings.

Keep the trend maintaining in all your products. Check if it is matching your niche.

Assure customers of full comfort from your products and show them that you stand by your words, while they surf on your store and while they receive their package.

Along with products, focus on the design of your store.

Get the most compelling eCommerce website design services for your online store as it is a branch of your business in itself.

Check that it is easy to navigate through the pages, products, and services.

A user will turn into a customer only when he finds what he wants on your online store.





You are a smart entrepreneur and aware of the fact that mobile has become an all-time tool in every other person’s hand around us.

Well, if you keep a step back while eCommerce development of your store for your mobile, I am sure you are losing thousands of customers.

However, we know that you are smart and would not make such a mistake.

Make your online store mobile responsive and friendly.

Google takes into note websites that are mobile friendly and the ones that are not when it brings up search results.

Check the same aspects as you checked on the desktop version of your online store.

Customers love mobiles; remember, to trade you should consider what the customers like.




When you hire eCommerce Development service, you need to make sure that you cover all the aspects for your online store.

Don’t skip out the essential things such as the –

“About Us” page – It seems quite creepy to not know the people you are trading with. Update the page with all the necessary information about your company and the dealings.

Active Support system – you expect your customer to be online on your store any and every time of the day; so you need to make sure that you provide them the active support at any hour of the day.

Refund and Return policies – It is not necessary always that the product will look the same way as it looked online and whether the customer will like it the same way as they did online

Keep friendly return and refund policies. It is okay if they returned once but open the doors wide enough for them to come and shop again.

Payment Options – With the variety of products, customers prefer a variety of payment options as well. Try to keep as many payment options as possible for your business to handle. Also, don’t forget to allow the choice of cash on delivery.





Like the way you analyze in your business about the possible profits and losses; you need to examine your online store as well.

Collect essential data and researches. Check the traffic and conversions.

Analyze them. Build up new strategies. You are the captain of the ship to take charge. Enhance with new tactics. Apply new strategies.

If you are falling short of the strategies, take assistance from the top eCommerce development service that you hired for the eCommerce development. They are proficient with these and always up with the market trends.




Once you have completed the eCommerce website development process, you need to test every aspect of your store.

Send your store link to a friend and see how he/she navigates their way, how easy or difficult it is and then make amendments from there

Take assistance of the eCommerce website development company to apply relevant testing techniques on your application and website to check if there exist any bugs or are there any flaws in the store.

Check it yourself once again; as a user, how does it look like, how is it likely to feel and how it is likely to use and navigate.

Make the amendments whatever necessary to remove the flaws and improve the usability of your online store.




Its important you optimize your online store efficiently for the search engines. It’s sad to have a store that nobody can see to visit. SEO helps your store to be visible to online guests.

Create efficient SEO strategies and make sure you apply them in the stipulated timeline before launching the store.

Also, consider marketing on social media as well. The more people know about your services coming, the more traffic you will get after you launch your store.

Further, consider hiring eCommerce development service who are proficient with the SEO part and know how to bring out the results.




Moreover, the above are the prime basics which being a business owner you should not avoid implementing in your online store.

Keeping a keen eye on all these aspects can make your online store soar up high in the competition with impressive economic numbers.

Also, consider hiring the top eCommerce development services whenever you think of initiating the eCommerce website development.

You think we missed any tip? Feel free to write on our comment section.